A portion of the road at Okhla Head caved in early morning, according to residents on Sunday. Two vehicles worth Rs 12 lakh parked there were damaged, said the owner.
Okhla residents Akram told the OT that two vehicles parked there were damaged. The portion of the road which caved in is used by private taxi drivers to park their vehicles.
A vehicle owner Shahid told the OT that the vehicle has been sent to a workshop to fix the damage. “But just see it is dangerous. It is a busy road and it happened very late in the night. It should be fixed as soon as possible and work done here should be fixed properly.”
He said a few days ago some work was done here and hence it appears that due to rain the road caved in. Residents heaved a sigh of relief that any untoward incident didn’t take place.
Shahid said he took help from crane service to get the cars lifted to safety.
Babbar Khan said he immediately reached the spot with his team to provide help to the taxi drivers.
Syed Sagheer Ahmed said the incident took place at 3 am due to rain. “A huge portion of the road has collapsed and several vehicles parked there got submerged. Thank god no untoward incident took place. The good thing is that nobody was sitting in the vehicles.”